Sunday, February 21, 2016

Intro to Culture: Powerpoint 1

~winter blog hibernation must be over...!~

I've been having a blast in Germany, also getting better at german. Like a small slug running a race with a bunch of science rabbits, and it can be genuine fun sometimes

The holidays and spending time with my extended host family was incredible

I also had the opportunity to go to Austria and learn how to ski, which was amazing

I've been eating a lot of German food and learning some recipes

 We eat a lot of cucumber salad which makes me happy, also culture. we eat a lot of culture 

My host sisters are like peas in a pod.
Even though I don't always feel like I fit in, they (and a stepstool) make me feel like I'm a part of the family

long live culture
I have a lot of photos to upload, which will happen but for now I think this does the job

thanks for reading! -- mila (aka quark)