Sunday, December 20, 2015

a december morning expressed through rose hips

hemingway would be proud

Seeing the color of these rose hips always makes me happy- the last reminder of fall's golden colors. I find the moss that grows in between the railroad ties also quite splendid, and I hope you do too!
Yesterday was the first day of winter break for us here, and when I woke up, the sunrise was so beautiful that I had to slip my shoes on and go outside with my camera.
I've been plenty busy lately working on other projects in my life; knitting a new scarf, writing essays for college apps, making christmas presents, baking, and soaking up the german christmas season with fam, blogging hasn't felt like a necessity. Here's a little bit just to span the time between long posts. :) I feel so blessed to be where I am, this year has been absolutely fantastic. 2015 was an incredible chapter in my life. Thank you to everyone for making the world vibrant and full of life and a wonderful place to have spend the last year. Cheers to the next!

Hopefully more writing on what I've been up to in the last few months soon.
With that, I suppose this is Happy Holidays part one! May the stars be with you all, fair friends and family!


hello from my lil baby feet

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