Tuesday, May 10, 2016

{november through january in photos} {sorry not sorry}

*the blog is bach?*


{christmas time}
the Weihnachtsmarkt; a street market community gathering where you drink Glühwein with your parent's friends and awkwardly dodge your school teachers drinking Glühwein with their friends!



die Cousine ohne Hanka
before the snow...


Leipzig has some of my favorite cathedrals that I've seen this year, and it's like the Austin TX of Germanland
the man himself
toothpaste savers? thanks ddr

inside. bachs. freaking. church.
kool 'struments also everywhere here 
the louvre of leipzig

1am light pollution in winter wonderland

more schnow

learning how to ski in Austria, where you can ski next to actual babies on the baby hill

behold the earth (and my history teacher)

austrian pups!
definitely full of Kaiserschmarrn at this point
emma, mila, pia
my winter break knitting adventure in use
good ol Kaminfeuer fireplace dvd on the 8 hour drive back
back home the snow was still falling! and I was surprised that all of these birds were still hanging out.
the pictures that I have are dark because the sun was almost gone by the time I got home from school everyday in january.

for christmas, I started a new journal that has been my Tagebuch for almost everything this year. possibly one of the reasons that I haven't bothered to upload pictures to the internet, but no matter, it's been a nice way to write thoughts and express creative squirts in somewhat organized chaos.

here you can see one of the pages that looks somewhat coherent, no russian or german vocabulary scribbled sideways in the very middle.. actually now that I take a closer look I'm not sure...

under are the ducks I was hanging out with that morning before I ran faster than Usain to catch the train for school

All in All
Though November and December I was very mentally consumed with the stress of applying to schools, and in the end I only finished one solid application which helped reduce the stress of picking between schools. If I had to choose anything not to do this year, it would be being chained to life in the US by applying for college and finishing high school online. Perhaps others get these done with no sweat, but I struggle with writing focus issues and tend to wait until just the right idea comes to me at the last minute to write everything that I care about. I care a lot about my writing, and I found it extremely hard to balance everything at the same time when I was stretched between living in a second language without really being able to live completely in that second language. Example A, blogging. Hence the photos. 
In January with the grip of essay writing behind me, I had a blast in Austria with my classmates and even though I forgot how to ski sometime in the last few years (what? can you do that? isn't it like riding a bike? anyways...) the learning curve made me feel great about being focused on learning just one thing. Because the school was so nice to let me join at the last minute, I still have some major amounts of thank you cards to make before I leave. That trip has been the only time I've been out of Germany this year (soon to be followed by Prague). It was the most exhausted I've been, and I also wrote some mega deep exhaustion poems for myself which are fun keepsakes. Maybe all of my hobbies are weird. Maybe not. I'm not telling. Right before I left, I got to go to a friend's house and play upright bass for the first time since July. It was life saving, really a highlight on its own. The lightbulb went off. Everything I want to do is here in my fingertips! I can make friends! People like me when I'm social! School is still really fricking hard but it's getting better! (This all kind of was able to culminate in Weimar at the midyear meeting)


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